

Manages agents for your domain.

Contribute to AgentManager

Interested in shaping the future of AgentManager? We're looking for developers, strategists, and enthusiasts to contribute their expertise and insights. Whether you're a coder, a designer, or a digital service innovator, your skills can help enhance AgentManager's capabilities.

How to contribute and earn tokens

  • ๐Ÿ” Step 1: Explore the Agent: Understand what AgentManagerdoes and its role within our ecosystem by visiting our detailed documentation or project repositories.
  • ๐ŸŽฏ Step 2: Identify Improvements: Think of new features, efficiency boosts, or bug fixes. Check out our roadmap to see whatโ€™s in progress and where you can add the most value.
  • ๐Ÿค Step 3: Get Involved: Join our community on GitHub, submit a pull request, or discuss your ideas on our community forums.